Tuesday, October 27, 2009




27/10/2009- Masa aku otw nak g keje aku benti beli bekpes dl..pas siap bl kuih hidup enjin kete trs gerak..perjalanan nak ke parking kete akan lalu simpang tiga..kebetulan ms drive aku ternampak sorang laki buta dlm linkungan 30an ngah tunggu nak lintas jalan..tibe2 ati aku terdetik manusia buta Allah bg kan hati yg terang tp kita manusia yg normal slalu dlm keadaan buta hati walau pn celik penglihatan dan pendengaran..Jd kita sebagai hambaNya fikir2 kan la ape motif yg aku nak sampai kan ni..

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Ya allah bulan nie byk sgt mslh aku..pas satu satu..dugaan..ade la tu hikmah nye..aku sentiasa set dlm mind aku setiap ape yg berlaku dgn kehendak-Nye..dan setiap yg berlaku jugak ade hikmahnye yg mungkin kita akan nampak atau sebaliknye..Ya Allah engkau bg lah aku kekuatan serta ketabahan dlm mengharungi hidup ini..Engkau tunjukkan lah mn yg terbaik buat diriku..amin~~

Monday, October 5, 2009


handphone couple keychain

b4 msk wayang

pp tembam



Entry kali ni movie yg ngah main kat cinema..Sabtu baru2 nie aku g tgk wayang ngan Faiz cite nie la..Tajuk cite dia cam seram je kan..Actually cite ni Horror-Comedy..So xde la seram mn pn bg aku tp leh pecah perut la ngan lawak diaorg..Cite ni ade 3 kejadian yg berbeza..Kalo korang nak tau jalan cite bc la entry kat bwh nie..Tp mmg berbaloi-baloi la kalo tgk cite nie..Korang xde la rasa rugi duit g tgk cite nie..Ha korang ape tunggu lg??g la serbu wayang..

Roadside Got Ghost: Swindlers Cai, Fu and Shou have a new scam - using a hotline to make random calls to people, promising them fortune. Those who win the lottery are required to pay commission to Cai or be scared into submission. One day, Cai receives a phone call. The caller gives Cai deploying the same hotline trick. Believing it is a copycat of his scam, Cai naturally disregards the call, but goes ahead and tries his luck with the given number anyway. To his surprise, he wins. Mysterious happenings assume...
Forest Got Ghost: Nan and Lei return for army reservists' training. They learn that the place they will be sent is the widely known 'haunted hill', so they take the short cut. Suddenly, the 'haunted hill' seems to come alive - tombstones, red dress spirit and other strange sightings. Then it rains. Nan and Lei seek refuge at Yin Yin's house, a girl they just met. Little do they know their road to hell has been cut short... House Got Ghost: It is the Lunar 7th Month, weird sightings happen at home, children can only think it is the late mother's doings. The truth slowly surface as they begin their road trip only this time it seems to be more than what they bargain for...

Roadside Ghost Scene

House Got Ghost Scene

tiket wayang


dalam kenangan

Aku lupa nak post entry ni..kejadian ni berlaku pada pg jumaat..Menjadi kebiasaan aku akan iron baju awal pg..almaklum la mlm blk keje dah penat..So baju akan di postpone kan ke pg lew..pg tu Ya Allah punye la ngantuk..byk beno setan bergayut kat mate ni kot campow lak ngn penat..so ms ngah panaskan iron aku ngah mamai2 g, ingat kan iron tu tak panas g so ngn selambenye aku angkat iron tu nak gosok baju..Skali ltk jew iron tu kat baju trs berlubang baju tu..aku yg ngh mamai dr td trs segar bugar biji mate tgk baju yg tok cik bl kan hangus berlubang..waaa..betapa sedey nye aku tuhan jew tau..walau pun kain tu x mahal mana tp disebabkan tok cik yg bl aku rs frust sgt..yela kain tu tok cik bl kan kat aku ms aku praktikal dl..byk kenangan baju tu..warna purple lak tu..aduss syg nye..waaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, October 3, 2009


Skg da msk Syawal ke 14 br aku nak wish samat ari raye..haha..xpe la atleast masih dlm bulan syawal kan kira tak terlambat g la..Selamat Hari Raya tuk semua blogger2 dan semestinye kat followers aku sume..Korang jgn mkn byk sgt raye2 nie kalo tak jd cam aku berat badan naik 1kilo..waa..tatotnye..tak suka!!tak suka!!tak suka!!So kena la chaiyok2 tuk turunkan blk berat badan..Ape2 pun Selamat Hari Raya Maaf Zahir dan Batin tuk korang tercyg..

Thursday, October 1, 2009


Rindu nye aku kat blog nie..mn taknye dah 3 bulan lbh kot aku tak update ape2..Bkn tak nak update atau menghilang tp aku terlalu sibuk + pc yang terlalu slow penuh ngn tetamu diundang ape lg kalo bkn virus..huhu..Belambak lak tu virusnye..Aku leh jd penternak virus berjaya cam nie..wakaka..starting from now mungkin aku akan rajin meng"update" blog..So korang tunggu lew kegedikkan aku kat blog neh..haha..